Emma is a sound and installation artist, sound designer, composer and cultural worker.
Emma (they/them) is a Sound Designer and Composer and media art installation artist. Through sound Emma builds visceral, expressive environments that explore the narratives of individual experience by revealing and exploring the inherent qualities of sounds, particularly field recordings, found sounds, and ‘machine languages’ of everyday things. Emma creates installations and performances as Manufacturing Entertainment (www.manufacturingentertainment.com) with Julie Gendron, and composes for theatre, dance, video, film and new media installations and performances. Their work can be explored here and at: soundcloud.com/emmahendrix
“Emma Hendrix doesn’t have as much time for the Junto as we’d all wish, but her music-making is always top notch... her take on a project is always a solid starting point for a listener.”
“If you’re into electro-acoustic explorations & weirdo synth shit, zhe’s your new bff.... In a world of predictable formulas, Emma Hendrix is sharing with us strength in patience and nuance. Thank you!”
As a non-profit consultant and grant writer, Emma provides more than 20 years of experience in the non-profit cultural sector. They are the Executive Director of Video Pool Media Arts Centre, and have been active in the research and development of a Provincial Art Service Organization for media arts and digital practices. They have developed a practice around social purpose real estate and social enterprise for creative non-profits. Emma was the Managing Director of VIVO Media Arts Centre for eight years, and their Technical Director from 2005-2008. They currently serve on the board of Creative Manitoba and previously served on the board of Artspace the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA), the Coalition of Canadian Independent Media Arts Distributors (CCIMAD - also VUCAVU.COM), and were involved in various capacities with the New Forms Festival, Community Radio Education Society, and Scotiabank Dance Centre.